Curriculum Initiatives

Curriculum Initiatives within ISD #109

English/Language Arts

English/Language Arts focuses on reading, writing, and communication skills. The essential components include: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, Comprehension, Spelling, Writing, and Speaking/Listening. Currently all K-8 classrooms use Units of Study for teaching reading, writing, and phonics. The literacy units work in tandem with the goal of teaching students the necessary skills and strategies to become engaged, successful readers and writers. The goal of implementation is to provide literacy instruction that is aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards and has been validated by research.


Mathematics instruction is aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards for Math which is focused on helping students achieve a conceptual understanding of math content grounded in focus, coherence, and rigor. Focus requires very specific content instruction at each grade level. Coherence requires a logical learning progression that is built from year to year. Rigor provides an equal balance of conceptual understanding, application of math knowledge, and math fluency. Currently, our kindergarten through 5th grade classrooms use Eureka Math to support instruction while 6th through 8th grade classrooms use Maneuvering the Middle.


Science instruction is aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards which are based on the Next Generation Science Standards. The goal of instruction is to aid students in developing an understanding of science and engineering concepts and to apply that knowledge in several different contexts. Currently, our kindergarten through 5th grade classrooms use the Exploring Science series by National Geographic while 6th through 8th grade classrooms use Elevate Science by Savvas.

Standards Based Grading

District 109 uses a Standards Based reporting system. The purpose of a standards based report card is to assist students and parents in understanding specific learning expectations for each content area. Essentially, a standards based system provides more information about student progress than a traditional letter grade report card.


In order to meet the needs of all learners, we have multiple structures in place. Four forms of data are used to identify the top 5% of 4th through 6th grade students locally at each elementary school. These students are placed in a cluster group among classrooms at all of our buildings. The same data methods are used to identify the top 5% of 7th and 8th grade students at our junior high. These students are placed in accelerated classrooms for ELA and Math. Gifted data is collected in the spring of every school year and the identification process occurs during the summer months.

Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR)

The Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) is the Illinois state achievement test given in the spring to all public school students in grades 3 through 8. The test measures a student’s general math and English language arts skills. The IAR is fully aligned with the Illinois Learning Standards, is taken on a computer and is designed to provide information about student progress toward the long-term goal of college and career readiness.

Illinois Science Assessment (ISA)

The Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) is the Illinois mandated test given in the spring to all public school students in grades 5 and 8. The ISA is a comprehensive, computer-based exam that includes life, physical, Earth and space sciences with engineering and technology embedded. The ISA is aligned with the Illinois Learning Standards for Science incorporating the Next Generation Science Standards.

SB818: Keeping Youth Health and Safety Act

Indian Springs School District #109 has opted out and does not provide comprehensive sex education in our schools.